Reconstruction of locomotive shed: Laying the supply and disposal lines (February 2020 to April 2020)

The still existing excavation pit will be extended in order to lay the supply and disposal pipes. Dirty water and rainwater will be routed separately so that the rainwater can later be collected in the cistern that is yet to be built and will be available to us as feed water for the locomotive boilers (low lime content).

Empty pipes will be laid for the subsequent supply of drinking and service water as well as for the electrical and telecommunications lines. These will be provided with inspection shafts at regular intervals so that the corresponding cables and lines can be easily pulled in later and maintained if necessary.

The planned empty pipes for penetrating the foundation are used to lay cables inside the locomotive shed.

After completion of the civil engineering work, all trenches will be backfilled and compacted in layers up to the top edge of the ground. Due to the clayey soil, soil improvement by adding lime will be necessary in some areas in order to be able to compact the soil sufficiently. Dust is stirred up to a not inconsiderable extent in the process.

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