Generous donors for the reconstruction of the demolished roundhouse
On Tuesday, 5 December 2023, two visibly cheerful gentlemen did the railway museum the honour of handing over their generous donations for the reconstruction of
On Tuesday, 5 December 2023, two visibly cheerful gentlemen did the railway museum the honour of handing over their generous donations for the reconstruction of
As soon as the weather and staff availability permitted, work began on rebuilding the partition wall. In the process, the fields of the steel framework
After the winter break, a start was made on attaching the rut profiles, which had been delivered in the meantime, to the rails in the
The long period of cold weather with night frost – of course mainly at weekends, i.e. during the museum railway worker’s usual working hours –
So far, only the vertical steel supports for the new partition wall had been erected. To complete the truss scaffolding, the cross beams still had
In preparation for the track construction, two articulated lorries with a total of 160 concrete sleepers were delivered on 8 September. These had to be
The track construction work is now firmly scheduled for the beginning of October 2021. They will be carried out by an external company. In a
The plans envisage extending track 10 about 13 metres beyond the rear wall of the locomotive shed. A corresponding gate is to be provided later
After the steel supports were installed and aligned, the reinforcement was laid on the partition wall. Since the existing foundation could also be partially retained
In preparation for the track laying planned for autumn, work has already begun on clearing the construction site and levelling it to raw soil level.
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Nach dem Erfolg der Erstauflage für das aktuelle Jahr ist auch für 2025 ein Kalender mit zwölf einzigartigen und handverlesenen Aufnahmen historischer Eisenbahnfahrzeuge in authentischer Kulisse des Eisenbahnmuseums entstanden.
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For better reading, the masculine form is used for personal names and personal nouns on this website. Corresponding terms apply in principle to all genders for the purpose of equal treatment. The abbreviated form of language is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any valuation.
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