Reconditioning 98 727: Progress on boiler, running gear and smokebox
The boiler has arrived at Bilfinger Berger BIS Industrial Services (Frankfurt). There, the boiler bottom (picture below left) and part of the bootjack plate (picture
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The boiler has arrived at Bilfinger Berger BIS Industrial Services (Frankfurt). There, the boiler bottom (picture below left) and part of the bootjack plate (picture
The lower part of the long boiler must be replaced. Fabrication and installation of the replacement part will be carried out by Bilfinger Berger BIS
Originally, only half of the smoke chamber was to be replaced. Now we have decided to replace the entire smoke chamber (bottom left). We want
In 2009, the railroad expert and the workshop manager visit the Pila plant to inspect the progress of work on the running gear. As can
Work on 98 727 will begin in the summer of 2006 with the complete disassembly of the locomotive into its individual parts. Since the accident
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