Reconstruction of locomotive shed: Partial rehabilitation of the existing roof truss (June 2021)

The prepared area was first used to set up scaffolding to access the existing roof truss. This was cleaned and inspected. In some places, there were strong signs of corrosion due to water penetration, because the connection of the temporary wall to the existing roof had also only been carried out very provisionally. In order to better assess the condition of the roof trusses, it was decided to completely derust at least the lower chord. Because of the paints used at the time (asphalt varnish, lead red lead), appropriate work safety precautions had to be taken. Fortunately, after cleaning the steel structure, no excessive weakening of the cross-section became apparent. Since the roof truss will be relieved in the future anyway by the trusses of the new partition wall to be attached, no further measures were necessary. A new anti-corrosion coating was applied.

For their support, we would like to thank:

PROSOL Lacke + Farben GmbH, Darmstadt (corrosion protection coating and tools).
Heinrich Geil Baggerarbeiten, Trebur-Geinsheim (construction waste removal and disposal)

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