Reconstruction of locomotive shed: Preparations for new partition wall (November to December 2020)

The existing partition wall was measured in order to be able to draw up a plan for the new wall. In addition to static calculations and plan drawings, this also required an additional building permit including test statics. The new partition wall will be erected as a steel framework with brick-lined bays. The necessary steel girders were made by a specialised company and delivered to the construction site in mid-November. Here, an additional coating was applied. Now all materials for the construction of the new partition wall are ready to start immediately with the erection of the new wall after the demolition of the existing wall. Due to bad weather and the pandemic, work had to be suspended for a few weeks.

We would like to thank the following companies for their support:

Hofmann-Rieg Stahlhandel, Darmstadt (coordination and delivery).
Gesellschaft für Stahlbau und Schweißtechnik mbH, Hattersheim (fabrication of the steel beams)

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