Reconstruction of locomotive shed: Assembly of the ruts in the locomotive shed area (February 2022)

After the winter break, a start was made on attaching the rut profiles, which had been delivered in the meantime, to the rails in the locomotive shed area. Since the rails will be concreted in later, lighter Z-profiles can be used instead of the grooved profiles, as they are common e.g. in tramway construction and at level crossings. Special clamps were made to fix them in the correct alignment. Then the profile and the rail web were drilled through and screwed together. Of course, this work is also constantly monitored by at least one veteran supervisor … The finished grooved profile is level with the rail head. This means that the concrete floor can be made level and the rut is permanently kept clear without causing crumbling and cracks in the concrete floor. At events, the grooves can be closed by inserting wooden slats so that there are no trip hazards.

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