The completion of the 23 042, our Bi 84 803 and the completed main inspection of the 184 DME make it possible to continue the work on the 98 727. At the same time, the Hessian Museum Association is helping with a grant in the five-digit range so that the restoration can be carried out on a larger scale. Many thanks for this!
The work took a forced break in 2018 due to important repairs to the 184 DME and 23 042, which unfortunately took longer than expected.
The project starts with the assembly of the steam boiler. Here the previously procured bottom ring is fitted onto the also previously repaired firebox (picture above left). In the second step, the bottom ring had to be fitted into the standing boiler (picture above right).
Since not all corners are halfway free of gaps, these were warm dressed (picture above left). The straightening is done with muscle power (picture above right).
After all rivet holes had been transferred to the new bottom ring, the new holes (approx. 160 pieces) could be drilled with our Collet pillar boring machine (picture above left). The advantage of the boring mill is its mobility. This can be moved into different positions by turning the boring head and adjusting the jib. In this way, drilling can be achieved even in difficult places (picture above right).

Since a new floor has already been installed in the long boiler, some new rivet holes had to be drilled in the area of the smoke chamber wall. These were made with a magnetic drill and core drill (picture above).