Main inspection 23 042
The area underneath the smoke box and the buffer beam of the 23 042 could be painted in the past weeks. Furthermore, the first components could be installed. In the driver’s cab, the floor on the stoker side and both lubrication presses could be installed. Furthermore the small lubrication press could be connected completely. After cleaning and a slight overhaul, the two water levels could be installed again. The Gestra blowdown valve could also be installed after reconditioning. Furthermore, work is currently being done for the brake overhaul.

ELNA 184 DME under steam again!
In the past few weeks, the work on the boiler inspection was completed on the 184 DME and the pressure test was carried out. For this purpose, it was heated up. The tests were passed without any defects. The locomotive is now available again for the planned operating days.
A nice start to the year 2022!

New locomotive shed doors
Last week, the shed door of stand 7 could be replaced. Now only the windows have to be installed.
Renewal of the fence to Steinstraße
In the past few weeks, work has begun on repairing the fence facing Steinstraße. The old fence was removed, the fence posts cleaned and repainted, and the area between the fence and the track behind the locomotive shed was cleared of roots so that two storage containers can be placed there in the future.

Reconditioning of the field roller
For transport purposes away from the railways, the museum owns a field roller. In the last few months, it has been extensively repaired. The old wooden floor was removed, the frame thoroughly cleaned and repainted. Finally, a fresh floor was installed. Now all that is left to do is to install the side panels.