Assembly of the new locomotive shed doors (May 2019)

The work on the locomotive shed as the central building of the railway museum includes not only the reconstruction of the second half of the shed, but also extensive measures on the existing building. Since December 2008, in cooperation with the trainees of the training association for metal (AVM) Rüsselsheim, work has been continuously carried out on the reconstruction of shed gates made of a wood/steel construction with window elements, in order to gradually replace the green steel gates that were getting on in years. A few years ago, the gate at the back facing Steinstraße was renewed. Now the first gate on the turntable side could finally be installed. The newly acquired two-way excavator was a great help. The years between production and installation were used to paint the gates, to install the wooden infill and to glaze in about 600 panes of glass with about 600 kg of window putty so far.

At this point, we would like to thank the following partners and companies:

  • AVM Rüsselsheim
  • Carpentry Pfeiffer, Groß-Umstadt
  • Carpentry Traser, Darmstadt
  • EGO Dichtstoffe, Garmisch-Partenkirchen

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