A deserving member has embarked on his final journey

The members of all Bahnwelt institutions mourn the loss of their colleague and friend Volker Jenderny, who passed away on Saturday morning at the age of 71 after a serious illness.

Volker had been a member of the Museumsbahn e. V. since 1981 and had carried out a wide range of tasks responsibly over the 43 years. As a result, he played a key role in shaping the railway museum and the entire railway world.

In addition to his work as an engine driver and stoker on the railway museum’s locomotives and the Fiery Elias, he built up and continuously developed the museum’s railway archive. For several decades, he accompanied the search for the “locomotive in the Rhine” with great passion and patience. Most recently, Volker performed many organisational tasks in the “Central Services” department for museum operations. He was also active for many years on the Council of Elders and as cash auditor for Museumsbahn e. V.

He has been a member of the board of the Darmstadt-Kranichstein Railway World Foundation since it was established in 2005, where he helped to ensure that a solid endowment capital was built up and that the collection of historical exhibits at the railway world was secured for the future.

He regularly represented the railway world in public – stylishly dressed in his gala uniform – on television and in the press.

His extensive work leaves a huge gap. Our sympathy goes out to his family. We will honour the memory of Volker Jenderny.

Museumsbahn e. V.

Stiftung Bahnwelt Darmstadt-Kranichstein

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Historische HEAG-Fahrzeuge e. V.

Freundes- und Förderkreis des Eisenbahnmuseums DA-Kranichstein e. V.

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