Lok Rhein: Investigation into the cause of the failed salvage attempt completed
Follow-up investigation report to clarify the cause of the failed recovery of Keßler locomotive 205 at the head of groyne 527 below Germersheim 1. as
The locomotive was built in 1852 in Karlsruhe by the Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft Emil Keßler for the Düsseldorf – Elberfelder Eisenbahngesellschaft. The sailing vessel “Stadt Coblenz”, which was used for transport on the river Rhine, got caught in a heavy storm near the town of Germersheim, the load slipped and the locomotive sank. Two attempts to lift the locomotive failed, after which salvage operations were discontinued. Since then, the locomotive has been lying under the current or former riverbed of the river Rhine, probably hermetically sealed, waiting to be released from its slumber.
In 1992, after many years of research, the first concrete research work began on behalf of Horst Müller, a retired engine driver from Cochem, who was looking for a partner for the project, was immediately able to win our attention. Thanks to the cooperation with the geophysicist Prof. Bernhard Forkmann, it was possible to determine the location of the locomotive in the Rhine near Germersheim with a high degree of probability using the latest technology. The unique treasure hunt project attracted more and more media interest after the first solid data on the location and condition of the locomotive became known in 2014.
The official recovery was scheduled for 21 October 2018. After several weeks of intensive excavations, however, no locomotive was found (see press report). The disappointment of all involved was accordingly great. The project should be declared a failure at this point.
Once the initial shock had been overcome, measurements and analyses of the excavated material were carried out and summarised in a results report. Despite the setback and in particular because of the great public interest, it was decided to continue the project. After a successful recovery, the “Rhein” locomotive would be the oldest preserved steam locomotive in Germany and would then be exhibited as a permanent loan from the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in the Darmstadt-Kranichstein Railway Museum.
The project is currently temporarily suspended, as a re-examination of promising possible locations has unfortunately not produced any conclusive evidence or clues. We will keep you up to date should there be a new lead!
In addition to your moral support, we are also grateful for any financial support you can provide to help us continue our exciting search. Our special donation account is available for this purpose:
Sparkasse Darmstadt, IBAN: DE68 5085 0150 0000 7714 30
Purpose “Lok im Rhein”
Follow-up investigation report to clarify the cause of the failed recovery of Keßler locomotive 205 at the head of groyne 527 below Germersheim 1. as
In his blog “Archaeologik”, archaeology professor Rainer Schreg from the University of Bamberg assesses the “research project” around the Lok Rhein as a prime example
Large-scale excavation work could not unearth the locomotive “Rhein” Mainz/Germersheim, 2 October 2018. “I am dismayed and perplexed. I cannot explain what anomaly we have
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