Reconstruction of locomotive shed: Wall construction (May to July 2022)

As soon as the weather and staff availability permitted, work began on rebuilding the partition wall. In the process, the fields of the steel framework construction are lined with sand-lime bricks. The creation of the so-called rim layer requires the utmost attention. It ensures the correct horizontal and vertical alignment of the wall. Since the bricks are laid using the thin-bed mortar method, it is hardly possible to correct the individual wall courses at a later date.
The actual bricklaying is quite quick thanks to the large stone formats. When using one bricklayer per field, the work output is rather limited by the transport of stone supplies. As the number of stone stacks decreases, the wall grows in height.
The size of the individual fields was adjusted to the stone format so that as little cutting work as possible is required. In the area of the later doors, the sawing of fitting stones is unavoidable. For reasons of work ergonomics and efficiency, the stone supply, block saw and operating personnel were combined on a Kla trolley and could always be manoeuvred directly to the place where the stone cuts were needed. In the next stage of expansion, the saw will be connected directly to the overhead line, which has yet to be built …
Our thanks go to:
  • Immo Herbst Garten- und Landschaftsbau (provision of the stone saw)

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