Riveting work on the boiler of the 98 727
The riveting work around the boiler of the “Zuckersusi” is entering the next phase. Over the past few weeks – again in collaboration with Steffen Waidelich (www.dampflok-greif.de/) – the newly set rivets were deburred. As with the caulking of the rivets, “heavy equipment” in the form of a pneumatic hammer with chisel attachments was used for this;
Work on the company vehicles
The Wismar rail bus was due for its annual maintenance work. The engine was also serviced (oil change, oil filter replacement, fuel filter replacement). In other words, a one-off inspection and “MOT”. The auxiliary heating also had to be serviced and repaired.
The passenger car TWE 1 also had to undergo its annual maintenance work. Damage was also recorded for further processing.
Damage to the crosshead of the ELNA 184 discovered during the test drive on 10 March was repaired.
Deployment of the heavy-duty group
The heavy-duty group was called upon on Saturday, 9 March 2024 to transfer the last three remaining LR 40 road scooters from the outdoor storage area to the core site. Due to years of outdoor storage, the vehicles were no longer fit for use. As even a provisional repair would require a great deal of time and materials, it was decided without further ado to refurbish only one vehicle. The remaining two were “piggybacked” as cargo. The sections of the route to be travelled were secured by a vehicle in front and a trailer to prevent oncoming traffic. As a steep descent over a ramp had to be mastered as well as manoeuvring with centimetre precision at the future location in the core area, two of our tractor units were used as steering, braking and manoeuvring vehicles. (Of course, it would also have been possible with one vehicle, but the urge to play can’t always be suppressed ;-))
The “Relocation of the heavy goods vehicle collection” project has thus been completed, paving the way for the construction of the new long-distance parking facility at the former location of the heavy goods vehicles, as well as for the design of the new heavy goods exhibition in the core area.

Annual general meeting of the Museumsbahn e. V.
On 16 March 2024, work in the museum workshop and on the grounds came to a standstill as the members of the Museumsbahn e. V. association gathered in the museum’s waiting room for the Annual General Meeting. The board and the heads of the museum departments looked back on the past year and gave an outlook on important projects and events in 2024. In addition, members were informed about the latest developments regarding the ICE sidings and the future organisation of railway operations on the museum grounds.
Scrap metal accumulated on the museum grounds is disposed of several times a year. This regularly results in parts of a “non-household size”. This time, we recycled four switch parts that can no longer be used in their current condition.
On 9 March 2024, the V60 447 of the Hanau Museum Railway visited Kranichstein. The reason was an internal test run of the ELNA 184 to the colleagues in Hanau on 10 March 2024. The V60 acted as a reserve locomotive.