Bahnwelt Update (Week 17/2024)
23 042 Work on the 23 042 is in full swing for its use on the upcoming Railway World Days. The bearings were spindled out
23 042 Work on the 23 042 is in full swing for its use on the upcoming Railway World Days. The bearings were spindled out Riveting work on the boiler of the 98 727 The riveting work around the boiler of the “Zuckersusi” is entering the next phase. Over
141 228-7 Maintenance work is also required on electric locomotive 141 228-7 from time to time. Here it was checked whether the sanding system was
ELNA 184 DEG During the last two weeks, various parts of the 184 DEG were repainted. In addition,the pipes of the sand spreading system have
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Nach dem Erfolg der Erstauflage für das aktuelle Jahr ist auch für 2025 ein Kalender mit zwölf einzigartigen und handverlesenen Aufnahmen historischer Eisenbahnfahrzeuge in authentischer Kulisse des Eisenbahnmuseums entstanden.
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