Working Group for Historic HEAG Vehicles
Working Group for Historic HEAG Vehicles
at the Railway Museum Darmstadt-Kranichstein e. V.

In 1886, the Süddeutsche Eisenbahngesellschaft (SEG) built a suburban railway on metre-gauge tracks from Darmstadt to Griesheim, Eberstadt and Arheilgen to cope with the ever-increasing traffic. This was operated with steam trains, which were popularly nicknamed “Fiery Elias”.
With the construction of the new main station in 1912 at its present location, the previous local transport companies in Darmstadt were united to form the Hessische Eisenbahn AG (HEAG). With the new company, traffic on the lines was rapidly converted to electric operation, putting the steam railways out of service.
In 1997, on the occasion of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the electric tram in Darmstadt, a steam train was also used on the tracks of the tram for the first time again. Its great success led to the founding of the “ARGE HEAG”, which has since regularly operated the steam train and endeavoured to refurbish the historic vehicles.
For more information and the current programme of trips, please visit the ARGE HEAG website:
Board of Directors:
Volker Feick, chairman
Klappacher Straße 172
64285 Darmstadt