Bahnwelt Update (Week 6/2022)

Main inspection 23 042

The driver’s cab continues to progress towards completion. In the meantime, the boiler has been painted, as well as large parts of the black surfaces. The new floor on the driver’s side has been installed since last week and has also been painted. In addition, the large grease gun has been installed. Furthermore, the driver’s cab ladder including the handle bar was welded.

Refurbishment of track 22

After an old investigation pit was uncovered in track 22 last year and refurbished for reuse, the superstructure of the remaining track is currently being renewed. A start has been made on removing the track and sleepers, followed by the removal of the ballast. The track will then be relaid.

Reconditioning Bi 84 803

The refurbishment of our “blunderbuss” 84 803 continues. It is currently undergoing a major technical inspection and is being renovated inside and out. The walls in the passenger compartment have been papered and painted. The “quiet room” is also slowly taking shape again (see photo).

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For better reading, the masculine form is used for personal names and personal nouns on this website. Corresponding terms apply in principle to all genders for the purpose of equal treatment. The abbreviated form of language is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any valuation.

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