Bahnwelt Update (Week 40/2023)

As reported in the past, extensive renovation work is currently taking place on the museum infrastructure. This is to ensure that the museum can continue to operate safely in the future.

Turntable renovation
The turntable has recently been derusted and treated with primer. A complete coat of rust protection paint will now follow.
The electrical system will also be rewired and to increase safety an emergency stop button will be installed at each end of the turntable.
The keeper’s cottage is also getting a new coat of paint, broken windows have been replaced and a new floor is being installed.
Worn sleepers are also being replaced in the outer track on which the turntable is supported. Further work will follow.
Renovation of the locomotive shed roof
After the replacement of the engine shed doors on the existing building was completed a few months ago, the roof is now due for renewal. Due to the scope and complexity of the work, a specialist company was commissioned. Various storms in recent years have taken their toll on the bitumen roofing and so far it has only been repaired locally, although this solution has not been able to seal the roof permanently. After completion of the work, which will continue for some time, the locomotives will be completely dry again.

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Nach dem Erfolg der Erstauflage für das aktuelle Jahr ist auch für 2025 ein Kalender mit zwölf einzigartigen und handverlesenen Aufnahmen historischer Eisenbahnfahrzeuge in authentischer Kulisse des Eisenbahnmuseums entstanden.

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For better reading, the masculine form is used for personal names and personal nouns on this website. Corresponding terms apply in principle to all genders for the purpose of equal treatment. The abbreviated form of language is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any valuation.

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